Enable “Flush system caches” icon
Edit the backend user and paste the following line to the TSconfig field: # Enable system clear cache options.clearCache.system = 1
Edit the backend user and paste the following line to the TSconfig field: # Enable system clear cache options.clearCache.system = 1
Edit the TYPO3 backend user and paste the following lines to the TSconfig field: # Display uid numbers in front of the page title options.pageTree.showPageIdWithTitle
Edit the backend user and paste the following line to the TSconfig field: # Clear cache after saving TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd = all # Don’t forget to
Ever wondered how to fix this error? First you have to enable the extbase debugger by adding below line to the setup field of your
This will match with a url like “…&print=1” [globalVar = GP:print > 0] This will match with an url like “…&tx_ext_pi1[var1]=1” [globalVar = GP:tx_ext_pi1|var1 >