If your partition consuming so much disk space, but you have no idea where this is coming from? Then I recommend you to use NCDU.
NCDU is a utility that lists all folders including their size in a tree. The utility is written in NCurses. That is why the utility is called: NCurses Disk Usage.
ncdu 1.15.1 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help
--- /root/.npm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82.5 MiB [##########] /registry.npmjs.org
20.4 MiB [## ] /chrome-devtools-frontend
17.2 MiB [## ] /typescript
15.8 MiB [# ] /@angular
6.8 MiB [ ] /node-sass
4.4 MiB [ ] /uws
3.0 MiB [ ] /jpeg-autorotate
2.2 MiB [ ] /selenium-webdriver
1.8 MiB [ ] /jpeg-js
1.7 MiB [ ] /lighthouse
1.6 MiB [ ] /core-js
1.5 MiB [ ] /lodash
1.4 MiB [ ] /@fortawesome
1.2 MiB [ ] /ajv
1.2 MiB [ ] /handlebars
988.0 KiB [ ] /iconv-lite
968.0 KiB [ ] /rxjs
924.0 KiB [ ] /swagger-tools
820.0 KiB [ ] /node-gyp
808.0 KiB [ ] /source-map
784.0 KiB [ ] /bootstrap
780.0 KiB [ ] /@types
724.0 KiB [ ] /less
712.0 KiB [ ] /uglify-js
684.0 KiB [ ] /@angular-devkit
652.0 KiB [ ] /acorn
628.0 KiB [ ] /rollup
612.0 KiB [ ] /prettyjson
548.0 KiB [ ] /buble
524.0 KiB [ ] /moment
512.0 KiB [ ] /axe-core
508.0 KiB [ ] /cliff
484.0 KiB [ ] /terser
476.0 KiB [ ] /socket.io-client
Total disk usage: 235.8 MiB Apparent size: 225.0 MiB Items: 12485