Change remote URL location of local repositories

When you have migrated your repositories from Bitbucket Cloud to Bitbucket Server and you need to adjust your local repositories do the following:


Download find and replace:

# Change from Bitbucket Cloud to Bitbucket Server SSH:
"C:\Users\basvanbeek\Downloads\fnr\fnr.exe" --cl --dir "D:\PhpstormProjects" --fileMask "config" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.exe" --includeSubDirectories --find "ssh://" --replace "ssh://"

# Change from Bitbucket Cloud to Bitbucket Server HTTP:
"C:\Users\basvanbeek\Downloads\fnr\fnr.exe" --cl --dir "D:\PhpstormProjects" --fileMask "config" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.exe" --includeSubDirectories --find "ssh://" --replace ""

# Optional: switch from HTTP to GIT:
"C:\Users\basvanbeek\Downloads\fnr\fnr.exe" --cl --dir "E:\PhpstormProjects" --fileMask "config" --excludeFileMask "*.dll, *.exe" --includeSubDirectories --find "" --replace "ssh://"


cd /home/repos;
find ./ -maxdepth 3 -name 'config' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/git\@bitbucket\.org:/ssh:\/\/git\@bitbucket\.domein\.nl:7999\//g'